Heal the Parent
Heal the Child
Together we Grow
About Me
A 15 year old was asked the question.. "What do you want to do with your life?"
Such a common question that I am sure you have all been asked this multiple times during your lives.
Child: "Become a therapist"
Parent: "I am not sure if you will be able to separate yourself. I am not sure you are strong enough."
What is this parent doing?
Yes, being honest and open to show they care about their child's current and future emotional state and are worried for them.
They are also underestimating their child's future state and potential to learn emotional separation and resilience.
This parent, in this moment, failed That is ok. It's human.
Every parent fails.
And, their failure was a defining moment that led to years of searching, studying, experimenting and experiencing.
And yes, that child was me...and that parent was my mother. A woman who has dedicated a lot of time and effort into helping me understand what being a perfectly imperfect parent - or authentically human parent means.
What unconditional love looks and feels like so I can heal my inner child and guide others on that journey too.
Because...the narrative I chose to live by at 15 was...
Every experience will help me be a better therapist in the future
Story Time
Enter Human Design

​I find out I have a Projector auric type
Now I understand why I feel invisible
why others do not 'hear' me
then I learn my profile is that of a 6/2 Role Model-Hermit
Now I understand why I chose to experiment with life; then moved to observing life, integrating and healing
why I have heard others tell me over and over how they are grateful they are to me for sharing the REAL ness of my life
Human Design has shown me HOW I have always LIVED my design
That this journey IS purpose-driven
I am designed to
- see patterns -
- challenge limiting beliefs -
- intuit messages for others -
- be authentic in showing how I am healing my inner child-
- guide people to communities/resources to support their journey -
"To BE the change - you have to SEE the change"
What I realised was...
- shifting our self takes SEEING our patterns -
- parenting authentically takes HEALING our inner child -
- creating generational change takes BEING authentic -
When the child inside of us has healed and become WHOLE can we truly be our authentic selves.
Let us HEAL our INNER CHILD so we can SEE the CHANGE and BE the change!
Diploma in Counseling
Lifeline Certification
Life Coach Certification
Quantum Human Design™ Level 1
Face Reading Certification
NLP Certification
Human design mastermind
Quantum Human Design™ Level 2
Quantum Human Design™ Parenting By Design Coach
Quantum Human Design™ Family Coaching Certification